luni, 24 septembrie 2012

New experience

   Ok so i'm a fresher in highschool. I can say that it's reaaaally genius! All the teachers are fun and devoted in their work, my classmates are also funny aaand I have some good-looking guys (but I'm not interested in them). :))
   The older stundents don’t have stupid jokes, they even talk to us and it’s really easy to make a friend. The seniors are the best! We’ve got some „fitze” but they don’t come in the yard so I don’t really see them a lot.
   Oh, I have to write ’bout my Romanian teacher – she is T-H-E  B-E-S-T! I mean she has really good jokes and she understands us and her classes are the reason I love Wednesdays, even if we have French, Chemistry, Phisics and Biology (with a stupid teacher who’s afraind of dwarfs. Which is also fun :)) ).
   Oh, I almost forgot that i have 5 classes of Enghish and one of Great Britain’s and America’s Geography and 2 teachers and one of them graduated Oxford University J.
I can say that I’m very proud of my highschool and because I chose it as my first option, because it’s a place where you can study and have fun too, like studying by having fun. 

duminică, 2 septembrie 2012


Asta e ultima zi in casa in care am copilarit, am crescut, m-am maturizat, am ras si am plans, am iubit si am facut greseli. Trebuie sa imi iau adio de la acest loc, dar nu ma pot desparti usor de el. Atatea amintiri ma leaga de el... Amintiri frumoase, dar si rani ale certurilor cu ai mei mi se deruleaza in minte si parca aud vocile  pierdute pe aici de-a lungul timpului. Aici am invatat sa merg, sa vorbesc, sa iubesc. Imi va fi dor de tocul usii pe care ma masuram cand cresteam si de balconul din camera mea in care gaseam de fiecare data loc de ascuns, de reflectat si de impacat.
Voi veni des pe aici, nu in casa asta, ci la bunica mea, care sta cu mine pe etaj. De ea mi-e cel mai greu sa ma despart si, desi o sa fiu vis-a-vis pe acelasi bulevard, o sa ma simt ca la 1000 de kilometri departare.
Sper sa nu regret asta.